Did you know that the word April derives from the latin verb aperire, which means: to open. As we open into the season of blossoms, sunshine (and showers!), let's hear from our Employee Spotlight, Carolyn!

  1. How long have you worked at Berwick Care? I have worked at Berwick Care for around 16 months now.
  2. What do you like most about your job? No two days are the same and the flexibility in hours suits me perfectly!
  3. What do you like to do when you aren’t working? I like to cook or research food blogs when not working on Berwick work.  It provides a way of calming me down if anything stressful happens in life!
  4. What is a fun fact about you many people may not know? I have a baby due at the end of May which is all very exciting!
  5. Name one skill you would absolutely love to learn? Meditation!  So I can calm myself instantly when I am feeling under pressure.
  6. Where is your favorite place in the world? Australia – the people, the culture, friends, scenery….  It’s amazing!
  7. Three words to best describe you: Stressy, always-on-the-go, bossy (my poor husband)
  8. What is the one thing you can’t live without? My husband – Carl Brassey!  He tries to keep me level headed.
  9. What is one food that you cannot resist? Cheese 
  10. If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose? Mary Poppins!  She has the ability to escape from any situation!